Thursday, October 26, 2006

They were making and breaking alliances like tube socks in a dryer

Well, another month has almost come and gone. Still sitting reserve here in SLC, which I half expected since it is one of the more senior bases, but life is good. I keep moving up the totem pole by about 4-5 people a month. The good news is that I am high enough up on the list to get whatever reserve line I want, so though I'm still on reserve during November, I have Saturdays, Sundays and Mondays off. Not bad at all.

Pinky has been complaining to me that there is still a severe lack of furniture in this apartment. He says that while it's true that girls want guys with great skills, they also want ones that have places for them to sit when they come over. I guess my rugged good looks and boyish charm will only take me so far.

Last weekend our friends Casey and Sarah came over from St. Louis to play in the mountains with us for a few days. We went hiking to Doughnut Falls (the same place Ben and I went a few weeks ago) and saw a moose. It continually astounds me how stupid people are. This particular moose, which will be henceforth named Mortimer (Pinky's idea), was grazing in an open field near the parking lot for the trail we were going to take. There was a guy there and a college age idiot (more on that in a minute) and his girlfriend. Anyway, the college idiot seemed to be out to prove that Darwin was right and through acts of sheer idiocy remove himself from the gene pool. This guy walked to within 10 feet of this moose, which outweighed him by a good, I dunno, lets say a conservative 900 pounds. He then proceeded to use his FLASH on his camera, spooking the moose. The moose grunted, and moved forward a few feet. At this point the kid did the smartest thing he could at this point, which was to turn and back away. Alas, if the moose had decided to charge, which would have done us all a favor and prevented the idiot from spawning, the chase would have been short lived, as we soon saw when he turned around that his shoes were untied and he was smoking. Wonderful. If only the moose had decided to go his moose way home through this guy's midsection, we'd be saved from this obvious drain on society. Sorry. Not much pity from me on this topic.

On Sunday, Kelly, Casey and Ben went rock climbing. Since I still haven't developed the need to dangle above the ground on a rope, I went with the girls hiking. It was a good time to say the least. We hiked up a canyon on the south side of the city. It started to get really steep near the end. We found this really cool waterfall, much of which was ice. (It was a nice 55 degrees in the valley that day, but the mountains were a little chilly!) I wish we had run into more people cause I could have introduced Sarah, Alison and Julie to those people as my wives. Hey, we're in the land of the Mormons, why not milk it right?

This week was spent sitting on reserve and not getting called. It gave me plenty of time to run errands and the like, so that was good.

One other thing, Kelly and Julie had a Halloween Party last Friday, and I needed a costume quick, cheap and easy. With all the trash and packing material I had around the apartment from all the boxes I've had shipped to me, I duct taped them to a big black lawn bag and went to the party as white trash. Get it? It was pretty sweet. Nice play on words too. Anyway, I post more as the days go by. For a music suggestion, I'd recommend anything from the early '90s. I've been on one of those kicks lately. Also, Michael Jackson's album, Dangerous, is pretty sweet. Not gonna lie on that. Pinky's getting pretty good at the moonwalk.

Friday, October 20, 2006

Mmmm. Reading I have been...

Since the beginning of September, I have began reading quite a bit more. This is probably due to the fact that I have alot more time sitting in hotel rooms while on overnights. Anyway, since September, I have read:

The Complete Walker 4
Wicked: The Life and Times of the Wicked Witch of the West
Into Thin Air - John Krakauer
Under the Banner of Heaven - John Krakauer
The Relic - Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
Reliquary - Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
Thunderhead - Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
The Codex - Douglas Preston
The Mole People - Jennifer Toth
To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee
Our Endangered Values - Jimmy Carter

I am currently out of books. Feel free to make suggestions as to ones to read. Thank you in advance.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

I am the walrus

Since it's been like 10 days or so since I posted, and I know so many of you live vicariously through me, (it's ok. I'm a pretty cool guy.) I have decided to post again. Bear with me if this post is riddled with spelling errors, I'm typing on a keyboard that doesn't work all that well at the SLC Public Library. (But why not type on your computer? More on that to come.)

I guess I'll start where we last left off. Two weekends ago, Ben, Al and I went camping in Moab, UT. It was pretty flippin sweet. It's right down by Arches National Park and Bryce Canyon NP. So the scenery was gorgeous. We camped, and went biking too. Al and I are what could be called "novice" bikers, so we stayed away from the hard stuff, like hills with 12 percent grades. It's also a climber's paradise, but Ben didn't bring along his ropes or anything, so we'll have to save that until next time. Moab is only a 4.5 hour drive away, so it's not that far to some pretty cool stuff.

When I got home, I discovered that I had a four day trip on my schedule starting the next day, into my favorite of all places, Southern California. (Sarcasm)It was fun, and my captains were pretty sweet, so it went by pretty quick. No complaints there.

Last weekend Ben and I went hiking in the rain to a place called Doughnut Falls in Big Cottonwood Canyon, which is just a little south of the city. It was pretty cool, and we did a little hiking through uncharted territories around there. All in all, pretty sweet, I'll have to go back when the weather is better.

As to why I am not writing on my own computer: my hard drive blew up. Or, rather, it nearly did. About two weeks ago, I noticed that the hard drive was starting to get louder. About a weeke ago, the whole thing started slowing down. Taking alot of time to do things that before only took a few seconds. Nuts to this I thought. Pinky suggested I take it down to the local Apple store and get it looked at. Smartest thing Pinky ever said. Mind you, and this time he was high on peanut butter and wearing Bermuda Shorts, but apparently, it makes him think better. Anyway, I took it in, and they said I needed to have the hard drive replaced before it melted/blewup/died. We backed up all the information that I had on the thing, and then he told me that it would be $300 bucks to replace the thing. "Not so!" said I, "For I purchased the Apple Care Protection Plan when I bought this thing two years ago, which extends my warranty up to three years!" So what did I end up paying? Zilch. Nada. Nothing. I'll have my computer back in good working order by Thursday afternoon. Woot.

People have sometimes asked me why I would bike up canyon roads, go rock climbing, hike up waterfalls, spend the night in the north woods in a tent when the temp got to below freezing. I was having a hard time with that one myself, but Pinky helped me out, with the words of a country song:

Daddy's belt, momma's drapes
Standing tall on the backyard shed
Looking cool in my Superman cape
I told the neighborhood girl
Said, "Hey y'all, watch this!"
My fate was a broken arm,
My reward, one big kiss
When Daddy asked me why I did it,
I made him laugh out loud when I told him,
"Cause the chicks dig it!"

Scars heal, glory fades,
And all we're left with
Are the memories made.
The pain hurts, but only for a minute
Life is short so go on and live it
Cause the chicks dig it!

No, I'm not going country, and I'll have pictures posted as soon as I get my computer back.