Most of you are aware that I'm moving back to St. Paul here in about 2 weeks. (A little less than that in fact, I'm quite excited!) It's been kinda hectic these past few weeks getting packed on my days off and also getting the car ready (oil change, trailer hitch, etc.) renting the trailer, all that fun stuff. Anyway, I have most of my place packed, and the plan is to just come back from work on the 28th of August, go right down to the U-haul place, pick up the trailer, load it, and be gone by about 7 that night. This requires that I be all ready to go when I get back, so I'm making sure all my stuff is packed early.
This is most of it, besides the small table and my bed of course.
It's been awfully hot here the past few days, into almost triple digits during the afternoon. For some reason though, my living room, where I mostly hang out has been hotter than any place else in the apartment. I thought perhaps there was too much sun coming in, but I closed the blinds and it was still hot. It wasn't until I was sitting in front of my computer that I noticed it was hotter there than it was a few feet away. I had found the source of my problem. My receiver/amplifier for my stereo is a rather nice one, big and powerful for great sound, but with that sound, the amp puts out a fair amount of heat. I didn't know how much heat that was until I put this little clock, which also has a thermometer in it, that my dad got me for x-mas last year on top of the receiver. Can you guess how hot the air coming off the receiver was?
That's right. One hundred and six freaking degrees. Betrayed by one of the things in the apartment that I love the most. Will I stop using the thing? Heck no! I gotta have my tunes somehow! I'm a freaking American! Do we ever stop using the things that do/will eventually cause us harm?!