The next day, I celebrated my 25th birthday. Holy crap. I'm getting old. I know, I know, Bebe. I don't get to say how old I am/feel. I got some pretty good stuff, mostly cash. Which was expected and always appreciated. I was also looking over my logbook, and found that that weekend (the 18th, 19th, 20th, 21st) has had quite a bit of stuff happen in the past. The 18th of May, 2000 was the day I got my Private Pilot certificate, thus serving as my entrance into the aviation world. The 19th of May, 2006, was when I heard that I was accepted for employment at SkyWest. The 20th of 2006 and 2007 are my friends Sarah and Casey's wedding anniversary and my brother's graduation, respectively, and the 21st is my birthday. Quite a packed couple of days.
The day after my birthday, my friend Ben and I went hiking along the north shore of Lake Superior. We were joined by our good friend Chris, who works in Duluth and happened to have the days off that we were going up there. We hiked between Gooseberry Falls and Split Rock Lighthouse, which is about 14 miles of hiking over two days. We camped out there too, which was awesome. I love camping.
The rest of the week was pretty uneventful, until the weekend when I went ot my college roommate's wedding. It was great to see people, and we had a lot of fun at the ceremony, which was held in Stillwater, about 30 minutes from the Twin Cities.
I also, just for the heck of it went to a site that I heard about, This site has you answer a few pages of questions, then plots your answers on a graph to show where you stand politically. I'm happy to report that I am a Social Libertarian and well as an Economic Leftest, which puts me in the same area as the Dali Lama, Nelson Mandela, and Ghandi. Good old G.W. is on the complete other side of the scale from me. Woot. (My exact points on the graph are Economic Left/Right: -6.38
Social Libertarian/Authoritarian: -5.08
for anyone who wants to compare themselves with the greatness of me.)
That's it for right now, but I'll try to be a little better about this. In the meantime,
"Don't worry if your jobs are small, and your rewards are few,
Remember that the mighty oak, was once a nut like you." -Anon.
1 comment:
I also fell right in the same place you did at It's no wonder W makes me fuss.
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