Friday, September 29, 2006

I'm noticing a severe lack of trembling and awe in my presence

Since I've written, I have done much. To further expand on the title of the last blog entry, Something Under the Sink is Drooling, when I came back to my apartment after being gone for 6 days, I realized that I forgot to take out the garbage before I left. Long story short, I quickly went out and bought scented candles and some Febreeze. One would think that my friend Pinky would have helped me out, but he's a lazy little rodent, so no help there. When I got home on Saturday night, he kept blathering on about there not being enough pants for everyone in the world. It was kind of an interesting idea. He took the position that since there were not enough pants for everyone, that no one should have them. That would save quite a bit of fabric, thus enabling everyone to be able to have a good pair of Bermuda shorts in their wardrobe. He hypothesized that if we all wore Bermuda shorts, conflict in the world would end because we'd all have an overwhelming urge to go to the beach and drink Mai Tais. Interesting Pinky. Interesting.

Anyway, the 4 day trip I just got done with was a blast. My captain was a younger guy and really cool. We went to places like Twin Falls, Pocatello, and Sun Valley, which are all in Idaho, and we also went to Casper, WY. Of course we also came back to Salt Lake. In Twin Falls the Snake River cuts a huge gorge on the north side of town, so my captain and I walked down there. There's a huge bridge across it that people go base jumping off of all the time. Very pretty. Sun Valley airport is absolutly nuts, because it's surrounded on three sides by mountains. Very close mountains. Thankfully when we went it was a nice day, but from what I hear, when the weather's bad, you have to bring a clean pair of underwear for after you land cause it's so scary. When we were in Sun Valley, we had a passenger who must have been on drugs. She was walking towards the aircraft and I pointed her out to the captain. She looked about as out of it as you possibly could be. Her belt wasn't buckled, her fly was down, she was barely holding on to the bag that she was carrying. It was kinda sad. She didn't cause any problems on the plane though, so whatever I guess.

I have a three day weekend starting today, so Ben, Alison, perhaps Kelly and Julie and I are going backpacking. Not sure where yet, but it should be sweet.

On another note, I biked so hard the other day I threw up. Oo Ra! Ben and I were going up a very steep canyon, and I had to pull off. Walked around for about 30 seconds, then honked. Good times. I've joined the ranks of Casey. Anyway, I'll post pictures of the adventure, where ever we go, after the weekend!

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