Friday, August 18, 2006

The mormons are coming, or rather, I'm coming to them

Well, went to Salt Lake City on my two days off yesterday. I had found some places online, but not every place advertises online, so I knew there were some more places I could check out. I got on the early flight to SLC (Salt Lake City) and was there by 9 am Mountain time. Rented a car for really cheap cause of my SkyWest discount and also stayed in the same hotel that I stayed in when I was in training. It was kinda weird. Felt like so long ago that I was there. Anyway, spent the first part of the day looking at the places in the city that I had found. Some of them were ok looking, others not so much. I went back and checked in, got some lunch, and then went north to North Salt Lake and Bountiful which are two suburbs north of Salt Lake and where Ben and Alison (more on them in a second) are going to try to live.

Ben and Alison are two friends of mine that I went to school with and instructed with in Grand Forks. Alison recently got another flight instructing job in Ogden, which is a city about 30 minutes north of SLC. Ben, though he went to school to be a pilot, isn't all that into the flight side of it, plus he has recurring medical problems, so he's planning on going back to school to get a business degree from Utah State. They apparently have a very good program. Anyway, they are moving down to SLC in about 2 weeks, about the same time I'll be moving there. Couldn't have worked out any better if it were planned right?

Anyway, I have some prospects so I couldn't set up viewings of the places that I found while I was there cause it was short notice, so I'm going back next week on my next couple of days off to check stuff out.

On a different note, I've been assigned some flying to do on Sunday and Monday, so I'll be flying around those days. Not too much longer in Fresno! Yay!

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