Saturday, August 12, 2006

Sweet Sassymolassy

Weel, I'm done with IOE, which marks the last test I'll have until a year from now. I'm an official full blown First Officer. And now I get to sit reserve.
What is reserve? Well, you're basically on call. You have a block time per day ( say like from 9 am to 6 pm) that they can call you if they need someone to help cover a flight. So that's what I'm doing for the rest of the month. Some days when you're on reserve you may be busy, others you may not. When I'm on reserve I have to be no more than an hour and a half away from the airport at any given time, so I unfortunatly can't just go out and do stuff that's too far away. Oh well though. I do have a few days off at the end of next week which I'm going to use to go and look at apartments in Salt Lake City. I have some promising places which I found on the internet, but I still have to call them on Monday to see if there are any places available and to set up show times. So that's my life for right now. Today I'm off but tomorrow I'm on reserve until next Wednesday evening. We'll see if they use me or not. Who knows!

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